5 Fun Options for Basketball Fundraising

When someone says the “f-word,” that word may have a totally different meaning to high school coaches. That word to high school basketball coaches could easily mean fundraising. Unlike big level college programs (and some big-level high school programs), most coaches have to fundraise any money they need for their program. This money could be used to buy the players their gear, basketballs for the program, jerseys, or any other thing that may come up over the course of a basketball season.

Fundraising is one of the many things that falls onto the plate of a head coach once that coach moves 6 inches over on the bench. It is something that is often overlooked or not thought of but could be a huge stressor on a coach and program if not done properly. This article will go through several different fundraising ideas to help generate money for your program.

Basketball Fundraising Options

Below are just five different fundraising ideas to help your basketball program. There are two keys for every fundraiser though: First, find a fundraiser you’re passionate about promoting. Second, be organized and make sure all of your ducks are in a row.

Golf Scramble

This may be the most common type of fundraiser for any high school athletic program. A golf scramble gets players on teams of 4, everybody plays the best ball at each hole, and is a way to make a lot of money.

The best way to maximize profits in a golf scramble is to have a great relationship with a local golf course to maximize profits on your teams, get at least 1 hole sponsor for each of your holes, and any items you can auction off is a great bonus too!

Bowling Bash

A bowling bash is just like a golf scramble but in a bowling alley instead! People form teams of four and the highest score across three games from one of the teams is the winner!

Some keys are to provide food/drinks just like in a golf scramble. Try to acquire lane sponsors instead of hole sponsors. And any auction items would be a great way to help increase revenue.

Chicken Dinner

We are located in the midwest and if there’s one thing midwest people love is fried chicken! We have hosted an annual chicken dinners for the last five years. The key is finding a local restaurant that is willing to donate the chicken and sides at cost and their time to cook the chicken.

Our goal every year is to sell 300+ chicken dinners. We host it on a Sunday during lunch time to hit the church crowd that is looking for lunch after church. Our players serve the food, clean up the tables, and we can generate some great revenue in a short amount of time. Pro Tip: Be sure to offer carry-outs as an option!


A very simple way to help generate some money is selling sponsorships to local businesses. This could be done in the way of a banner, PA announcement at games, or air time if your games are broadcasted.

The key is to target businesses who have supported your program over the years. Ensure they receive some recognition for their sponsorship.


Another way to generate a large amount of revenue, but this may possibly be the most work of all these fundraising ideas. An ideal time to have this would be close to Valentine’s Day to make it a date night for the couples.

You want to rent out a large enough facility to house all of your guests, book some form of entertainment (DJ, live band, etc.). And have lots of items to auction off. Ideas to auction off could be sporting memorabilia and/or local experiences.

Kyle Brasher | Gibson Southern High School
Lady Titans Basketball Coach

Related: Building a Basketball Program


The Coach Unplugged Podcast

Cover for Basketball Coach Unplugged ( A Basketball Coaching Podcast)

Ep: 657 Lifting In season and Fundraising

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